?얏퓺 ?섎뒛?꾨옒?ㅼ떆?쒕떎


Wiryeseong, capital of the Hanseong period(B.C.18~A.D.475)
was restored. King Onjo moved southward from Goguryeo and created a capital in this area. Nara under Biryu's reign
in the area of Michuhol was incorporated as Baekje and Baekje's capital was relocated to Wiryeseong. Geographycally stable from outside invasions and the geolocially fertile, Wiryeseong laid a strong foundation for Baekjeo to grow economically and politically.

Wiryeseong is the palace built when King Onjo relocated the capital of Baekje to Hanam Wiryeseong. Samguksagi depicts the palace as a place of humility, simplicity, gracefulness, colorfulness in a moderate degree. Antaejeon, the main throne hall is located in the center. To the east and the west of the hall lie two more halls: Jwapyeongcheong and Jwajangcheon, respectively.
  • wiryeseong
  • wiryeseong
  • wiryeseong
  • wiryeseong
  • wiryeseong
  • wiryeseong
Dugout huts are built with posts fixed in the dug holes on the grounds, bringing the floors of the huts above the ground. As far as Korea's architectural background goes, the first dugout hut made in the beginning of Bronze Age was found in the Misari site and thought to have been used as a barn. The cities of Asan and Ochang that lied in the territory of Baekje found a number of dugout huts used as residence.
  • raised house
  • raised house
  • raised house
  • raised house
  • raised house
  • raised house
This is the house of Maryeo who helped King Onjo move southward and found Baekje. In Samguksagi a total of ten including Maryeo accompanied King Onjo. This house is divided into two different sections. One is for the noble class and the other for the poor. Equipment and decorations from the noble class are well arranged for display.
  • maryeos house
  • maryeos house
  • maryeos house
  • maryeos house
  • maryeos house
  • maryeos house
This is the house of Ubo Euleum who was an uncle of King Onjo and served in the military. In Samguksagi, Euleum was appointed to the post of Ubo in the 2nd year of King Onjo. The swords and spears excavated in Mongcheontoseong, earthen fortress in Mongchon displayed in the house describe how brave Euleum was as a military servant  who devoted his life to the security of Baekje.
  • house of Ubo Euleum who
  • house of Ubo Euleum who
  • house of Ubo Euleum who
  • house of Ubo Euleum who
  • house of Ubo Euleum who
  • house of Ubo Euleum who

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